Shipping information

Estimated time cost, and everything you need to know

Shipping options:

This are shipping options that are available in: Poland:

  • Paczkomat InPost,
  • Kurier Pocztex,
  • International Delivery,
  • Personal collection in: Szczecin, Poland.

Shipping cost:

This are prices shipping:

  • Paczkomat InPost: 16.99 zł
  • Kurier Pocztex: 15,00 zł
  • International Delivery, FedEx: 129.00 zł
  • Personal collection in: Szczecin, Poland: 0,00 zł

Shipping time:

Estimated time for every shipping option:

  • Paczkomat InPost: 2-4 business days,
  • Kurier Pocztex: 3-4 business days,
  • International Delivery, 7-10 days business days,
  • Personal collection in: Szczecin, Poland: 0,00 zł, After order is fullfilled.

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